Changelog ========= ## UNRELEASED ## 1.10.0 ### Added * On invalid assertion, we throw a `Webmozart\Assert\InvalidArgumentException` * Added `Assert::positiveInteger()` ### Changed * Using a trait with real implementations of `all*()` and `nullOr*()` methods to improve psalm compatibility. ### Removed * Support for PHP <7.2 ## 1.9.1 ## Fixed * provisional support for PHP 8.0 ## 1.9.0 * added better Psalm support for `all*` & `nullOr*` methods * These methods are now understood by Psalm through a mixin. You may need a newer version of Psalm in order to use this * added `@psalm-pure` annotation to `Assert::notFalse()` * added more `@psalm-assert` annotations where appropriate ## Changed * the `all*` & `nullOr*` methods are now declared on an interface, instead of `@method` annotations. This interface is linked to the `Assert` class with a `@mixin` annotation. Most IDE's have supported this for a long time, and you should not lose any autocompletion capabilities. PHPStan has supported this since version `0.12.20`. This package is marked incompatible (with a composer conflict) with phpstan version prior to that. If you do not use PHPStan than this does not matter. ## 1.8.0 ### Added * added `Assert::notStartsWith()` * added `Assert::notEndsWith()` * added `Assert::inArray()` * added `@psalm-pure` annotations to pure assertions ### Fixed * Exception messages of comparisons between `DateTime(Immutable)` objects now display their date & time. * Custom Exception messages for `Assert::count()` now use the values to render the exception message. ## 1.7.0 (2020-02-14) ### Added * added `Assert::notFalse()` * added `Assert::isAOf()` * added `Assert::isAnyOf()` * added `Assert::isNotA()` ## 1.6.0 (2019-11-24) ### Added * added `Assert::validArrayKey()` * added `Assert::isNonEmptyList()` * added `Assert::isNonEmptyMap()` * added `@throws InvalidArgumentException` annotations to all methods that throw. * added `@psalm-assert` for the list type to the `isList` assertion. ### Fixed * `ResourceBundle` & `SimpleXMLElement` now pass the `isCountable` assertions. They are countable, without implementing the `Countable` interface. * The doc block of `range` now has the proper variables. * An empty array will now pass `isList` and `isMap`. As it is a valid form of both. If a non-empty variant is needed, use `isNonEmptyList` or `isNonEmptyMap`. ### Changed * Removed some `@psalm-assert` annotations, that were 'side effect' assertions See: * [#144]( * [#145]( * [#146]( * [#150]( * If you use Psalm, the minimum version needed is `3.6.0`. Which is enforced through a composer conflict. If you don't use Psalm, then this has no impact. ## 1.5.0 (2019-08-24) ### Added * added `Assert::uniqueValues()` * added `Assert::unicodeLetters()` * added: `Assert::email()` * added support for [Psalm](, by adding `@psalm-assert` annotations where appropriate. ### Fixed * `Assert::endsWith()` would not give the correct result when dealing with a multibyte suffix. * `Assert::length(), minLength, maxLength, lengthBetween` would not give the correct result when dealing with multibyte characters. **NOTE**: These 2 changes may break your assertions if you relied on the fact that multibyte characters didn't behave correctly. ### Changed * The names of some variables have been updated to better reflect what they are. * All function calls are now in their FQN form, slightly increasing performance. * Tests are now properly ran against HHVM-3.30 and PHP nightly. ### Deprecation * deprecated `Assert::isTraversable()` in favor of `Assert::isIterable()` * This was already done in 1.3.0, but it was only done through a silenced `trigger_error`. It is now annotated as well. ## 1.4.0 (2018-12-25) ### Added * added `Assert::ip()` * added `Assert::ipv4()` * added `Assert::ipv6()` * added `Assert::notRegex()` * added `Assert::interfaceExists()` * added `Assert::isList()` * added `Assert::isMap()` * added polyfill for ctype ### Fixed * Special case when comparing objects implementing `__toString()` ## 1.3.0 (2018-01-29) ### Added * added `Assert::minCount()` * added `Assert::maxCount()` * added `Assert::countBetween()` * added `Assert::isCountable()` * added `Assert::notWhitespaceOnly()` * added `Assert::natural()` * added `Assert::notContains()` * added `Assert::isArrayAccessible()` * added `Assert::isInstanceOfAny()` * added `Assert::isIterable()` ### Fixed * `stringNotEmpty` will no longer report "0" is an empty string ### Deprecation * deprecated `Assert::isTraversable()` in favor of `Assert::isIterable()` ## 1.2.0 (2016-11-23) * added `Assert::throws()` * added `Assert::count()` * added extension point `Assert::reportInvalidArgument()` for custom subclasses ## 1.1.0 (2016-08-09) * added `Assert::object()` * added `Assert::propertyExists()` * added `Assert::propertyNotExists()` * added `Assert::methodExists()` * added `Assert::methodNotExists()` * added `Assert::uuid()` ## 1.0.2 (2015-08-24) * integrated Style CI * add tests for minimum package dependencies on Travis CI ## 1.0.1 (2015-05-12) * added support for PHP 5.3.3 ## 1.0.0 (2015-05-12) * first stable release ## 1.0.0-beta (2015-03-19) * first beta release